People who heeds instruction and correction is (not only THEIRSELF) in the way of life,but also is a way of life for others. And people who neglects or refuses reproof (not only theirself) goes astray but also causes to err and is a path toward ruin for others.
every education intended to make our life more CONTROLS in order to make ourself MUCH BETTER and GOOD. a toy or anything that is controlled with the remote .. when the remote doesnt work properly to control the toy,
there are two possibilities..
- remote is err OR
- the toy is err.
there must be something WRONG with the TOY.
something wrong inside the toy.
dont become UNCONTROLLED people
because it means there is something wrong in you.
each person is created for different PURPOSE.
when we cant be CONTROLLED, we will live according to what do u want and that would be the worst things..
because we live according to what we specify.
We may wish to live like what we want to be but, God disposes.
A people's mind plans their way, but the LORD DIRECTS their STEPS and makes them SURE.
Ams16:9 Hati manusia memikir-mikirkan jalannya, tetapi Tuhanlah yang menentukan arah langkahnya.
what happens when we live not in accordance with the purpose of our creator ?
jangan menjadi orang yang tidak terkendali..
jangan menjadi orang BEBAL..
setiap mainan yang tidak terkendali, jalannya akan menabrak ke sana-sini
setiap mainan yang tidak terkendali, akan hilang arah kemana akan berjalan
akan kehilangan tujuan..
akan lupa untuk apa diciptakan.. untuk tujuan apa diciptakan..
bersuka dalam setiap didikan
bangkit dari setiap teguran
tunduk pada otoritas
melunakkan hati dan tahan setiap teguran
bangkit dari setiap teguran
tunduk pada otoritas
melunakkan hati dan tahan setiap teguran
Amsal 10 : 17 = Siapa mengindahkan didikan, menuju jalan kehidupan, tetapi siapa mengabaikan teguran, tersesat.
siapkah untuk menjadi tersesat dan tak terkendali?
its ur choice to be destroyed or not
its ur choice to submit to the authority or not
x.o.x.o ♥JJ♥
** maap kl ada salah" ing.. maklum.. masi blajar :)
** maap kl ada salah" ing.. maklum.. masi blajar :)
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